Wooden Sign Painting -WINTER

Truman Arnold Student Center - Private Dining 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, Texas, United States

Looking for a fun night out with your girlfriends?! Come paint a wooden door hanger to make your front door a statement this . No experience needed for this class! Each student will receive step-by-step instructions with an experienced local artist.All Supplies included!


CPR: BLS Healthcare Provider

Media Center 229 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, Texas, United States

Designed for the medical person and will be taught according to the guidelines of the American Heart Association. Cost includes AHA card and book.NO DOOR REGISTRATION.Note: Ecards issued the first business day after the course.Refund Policy-100% refund ONLY if received 24 hours prior to class meeting. For Saturday classes, you must notify us on Friday […]


Cricut 101

Truman Arnold Student Center - Meeting Room A 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, Texas, United States

Are you having trouble getting started? Get productive right away by taking this class. Join Katie her step-by-step instructional style will make sure you understand how to get the results you need to be successful. In this class we will cover: Machine Set Up and Overview Design Space Basics Overview of Mat Screen Layout Inserting […]


Community Music School: February – 30 minutes with Shelly

In the Texarkana College Community Music School, professional teachers from the community offer the highest level of instruction to students of all ages. Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to perform in recitals. Lessons are given each week. Tuition is due before your first class of the month.In order to signup for Piano Lessons, please call […]



What would make a better Valentine’s gift for your sweetie or yourself than a beautiful love song or two played on your ukulele?   If you have completed UKE 101 and 102 (or have a good working knowledge of several chords), put your skills to work learning 10 classic love songs.  Life may be like a […]


CPR: BLS Healthcare Provider

Media Center 229 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, Texas, United States

Designed for the medical person and will be taught according to the guidelines of the American Heart Association. Cost includes AHA card and book.NO DOOR REGISTRATION.Note: Ecards issued the first business day after the course.Refund Policy-100% refund ONLY if received 24 hours prior to class meeting. For Saturday classes, you must notify us on Friday […]



This class, adapted from Bogart and Peters’ 21 Songs in 6 Days: Learn Ukulele the Easy Way, will take novice students through the history and anatomy of the ukulele and includes how to buy a uke, holding, strumming, tuning, singing along, and chords C, Am, F, G7, C7. You will have all the tools to […]


Line Dancing

Truman Arnold Student Center-Great Room 2500 N. Robison Road, texarkana, tx, United States

Come join the fun and learn the basics of line dancing. We will review some popular basic line dance steps and you will learn several fun dances, so you can join in at your next outing or party. Line Dancing is great exercise and perfect for any age/fitness level.Taught by: Ticia ClementsPlease do not wear […]


ACLS Renewal-Skills Renewal Only

Media Center 229 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, Texas, United States

This course is available for those who have taken ACLS from the American Heart Association. Students must go to www.onlineAHA.org and take the Heartcode ACLS ($132). Bring completion certificate to skills check off.New 2020 Guidelines taught.You will be called day before or day of class for Room location


CPR: BLS Healthcare Provider

Media Center 229 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana, Texas, United States

Designed for the medical person and will be taught according to the guidelines of the American Heart Association. Cost includes AHA card and book.NO DOOR REGISTRATION.Note: Ecards issued the first business day after the course.Refund Policy-100% refund ONLY if received 24 hours prior to class meeting. For Saturday classes, you must notify us on Friday […]


Phlebotomy Technician Course with a Clinical Externship

This class meets Monday and Wednesday nights from 6-9:30pmand Saturdays 6/26, 7/10, and 7/24 from 9am-3pmTo learn more please call 903-823-3270 or email the Allied Health Coordinator at kasey.coggin@texarkanacollege.edu
