All Day

Introduction to Sign Language

Palmer Library-Perot Leadership Classroom 2500 N Robison Road, Texarkana

Oil Painting

Humanities Room 227A 2500 N Robison Road, Texarkana

Cookies and Cupcake Decorating

Truman Arnold Student Center - Upstairs Kitchen 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana

Introduction to Bladesmithing

Bill Moran School of Bladesmithing - B.R. Hughes Classroom 2500 N. Robison Rd., Texarkana

Week of Courses

Introduction to Sign Language

Introduction to Sign Language

Oil Painting

Oil Painting

Junior Bladesmith

Junior Bladesmith

Community Music School: April – 30 minutes with Shelly

Community Music School: April – 60 minutes with Shelly

Community Music School: April – 30 minutes with Susan

Community Music School: -April 45 minutes with Larry

Cookies and Cupcake Decorating

Cookies and Cupcake Decorating

Introduction to Bladesmithing

Introduction to Bladesmithing